During our annual fall fellowship event, our lodge will be hosting an event just for Webelos Scouts.
Scouts will spend Saturday, November 12 from 10:00am to 2:00pm creating a medicine pouch and necklace, participating in a STEM activity as well as Native American activities including drumming and dancing.
Lunch will be provided to all in attendance. The program fee will be $10 for all Webelos and $5 for adults, covering the cost of lunch and materials.
To attend this event, you must register ahead of time via Doubleknot through the council website. You may find a link to that page below. Please register as soon as possible as there are only 100 youth slots available. Any questions you may have about this event may be directed to lodge70@lodge70.org.
Online Registration: (Secure Form)
Paper Registration: Please use the postcard mailed to you for paper registration.
We look forward to seeing you at the Tsoiotsi Tsogalii Webelosree!