Virtual Induction
In addition to our in-person inductions at Cherokee Scout Reservation (, we are also offering a virtual option this year, both for those not quite ready to return to in-person activities and who are unable to attend the in-person inductions for other reasons. We are excited to provide the opportunity to participate in virtual inductions this year.
This event will take place December 4-5, beginning around 8:00 pm Friday night and concluding around 8:00 pm Saturday night. The format will be a combination of pre-recorded videos and live videoconferencing (through zoom) with Lodge Leadership, Elangomats, and other candidates participating in virtual inductions. For the service component, candidates can choose to be part of an organized small group service project (still in keeping with COVID-19 mitigation strategies) or to organize their own project (subject to review by Lodge Leadership).
We will be providing helpful materials such as local service opportunities and suggested meal plans, as well as your membership packet, which includes a handbook, Lodge flag, sash, and more important information about our Lodge.
Registration is required for this event. Registration is open now and will end at 12:00 Midnight on Thursday, November 19.