Vigil Honor Recipients

Vigil Honor Recipients

The Vigil Honor is the highest honor that the Order of the Arrow can bestow upon its members for service to their lodge, council, and Scouting. The Vigil Honor was established in 1915 when OA Founder, E. Urner Goodman received the first Vigil Honor.

The Vigil Honor is a high mark of distinction and recognition. It is reserved for those Arrowmen who, by reason of exceptional service, personal effort, and unselfish interest, have made distinguished contributions beyond the immediate responsibilities of their position or office. The Vigil Honor cannot be won by a person’s conscious endeavor. It comes as recognition of unselfish leadership in service.


Year Name Vigil Name Translation
2024 Joe Jacaruso Sakima Pehpemeskat Chief Hiker
Janelle Johnson Kwexsite Mesesu Attention to detail
James Jordan Ntalemska Naheli Mpenahtu Leave No Trace
Keegan McArdIe Achowalogen Manunksu Tipas Hard Working Chicken Dancer
Danny Oakley Mushhakw Wewingtonheeet Sky Talker
Isabella "Izzy" Rouse Alappiechsin Niaaque Fast Talker
Aaron Walters Danasesgv Woapalanne Drawing Eagle
Samuel Whitesell Kiamhattenamin Pischk Calm Minded Nighthawk
Eyan Wise Chitawsuwak Tolukewtao Quiet Servant
Nicholas Withrow Achewon Pehachpamhangik Kichkinet Spiritual Sailor Who Guides
2023 Jameson Apple Witscheman Hakihet Helpful farmer
Steve Bouldin Takuchsia Skahensos Leader of Boys
Grayson Cardwell kawonu anidv Duck on the water
Garrett Cook Mpihtet Puddles
Jackson Davis Temakelensu Wemahtekenis Humble hearted leprechaun
Ezra Evans Xinkwi Lenin ila halet Big man with warrior heart
Allison Houck Wulelendam Machque Joyful Bear
Doreen Huntington Gokhotit Kittan Wise Owl From The Great River
John Lowry alastalidohi Bull's Eye
Aubreigh McPhail Nuhelawsu Sakima Caring Cheif
Walker Meyers Ahpikwe Lenu Music Man
David Parker didatinegi howa elisdi Rider of the mechanical horse
Carol Plaster Skattek Pischk Allogagan Zealous Night Hawk Who Serves
Delores Weber Akela Leader of the pack
Charles Woody Achgeketum Teacher
Steve Worrell Xinkwi Elahtuniket Big Scout
2022 Lane Walser Gischitehen Determined One
Chase Ferris Awullsittamuwi Pegui Obedient Hooded One
Sam Ivey Uligalisdodi Atsvsiyedi Cheerful Hiker
Andy Bir Wipunquoak Ahoaltuwi Elangomat Oak Loving Friend
Nic Fillippa Achtschinkhalon Takachsin Persuasive Leader
Robert McGrew Wingolauchsik Kichkinet Cheerful Guide
Kirby Dunn Achgiguwen Aspenummen Lively Uplifting
Paul Wright Sukachsin Achowalogen Iron Worker
Sam McNabb Amangiechsin Pohonasin Loud-Crying Drummer
Bruce Ferris Mischenahan Lawulinsch Amowiwikwam One Who Pokes the Beehive
Dave Douglas Agatiya Caretaker
Gary Stasco Gunaquot Takachsin Tall Leader
Benton Neese Mawat Nischeneyit He Who Seconds
Scott Welch Achpineen Japeechen Lake House
Sharon Hamlett Tangetto Allogagan Wdehiwi Small One Who Serves Heartily
Loryn Payne Allogagan Tschitgussin Serves Silently
Vann Owens Tangite Hewi Allogagnin Humble Servant
Carlton Van Hurd Gihim One Who Encourages
2021 Jackson Benes Klamachpin Pohonasin Quiet One who beats the drum
David Burris Asquanigododi Iyuquu Preserves the Moment
Chris Cobitz Pemsit Achgumhok Walks in the clouds
Joshua Hanflink Welaptunen Xeli Nankixsu Speaks with many voices
Maggie Hanflink Ahtsaksga Usdi Ganvhnvi Trailblazer
Joshua Hester Tgauchsin Niamque Kimtunhe Friendly Cat Whisperer
Calvin Meyers Tschitanek Tsquall Frog who Scurries
Woody Rice Payaxkhuwe Wulihan Straight Shooter Who Serves Others
Gordon Stallings Asunidohi Angler
Cole Swade Gentgeen Kschihillen Achpateuny Dancing Swift Wind
2020 Kenan Boswell Netopalis Woapalanne Pohonasin Warrior Eagle Drum Beater
Nicky Carter Osdv dilasulo gawetlvdi kanohedi Nice Shoes Joke Teller
Bill Goebel Nipsi Nikan’kat Passionate Scouter
Ron King Saxapahaw Nikanixink Saxapahaw Scoutmaster
Shelli Luna Uligalisdodi uwohiyu dideyohvsgi Cheerful Faithful Teacher
Drew Maerz Gelackelendam Takachsin Achgeketum Funny One who Leads Teachers
Anthony Mills Gunaquot Anatschiton Tall One who Cares
Michael Rogers Manachewagan Achgeketum Cutter of wood Teacher
Robert Rogers Amangi Wdee Nachgohuman Big hearted singer
William Rogers Lauchsoheen Gattopuin Machque Happy Hungry Bear
Rich Stewart Klamachpin Wulapeju Wulalogewagan Quiet Honorable One who does good work
Mark Waisner Amangiechsin Gilkissin Loud Speaking Laughing One
2019 Trotter Bolton Wulamhittamoeqagan Shmit Faithful Forger
Robert Creech Tindeuchen Wuskchum Fire Marker Young Creature
Dillon Drummond Wingolauchsik Nachgohuman Cheerful Singer
Maxwell Elkan Nchitaniteha Mos Brave Elk
Joseph Fogleman Lauchsoheen Elangomat Happy Friend
Raymond Fowler Achgiguwen Sachgauchton Noisy Cook
Gaither Frye Inigadi Ganeladia Dinadehyohvsgi Tall Traveling Teacher
  Jeremy Hester Wingolauchsic Gunaquot Meteu Cheerful Tall Medicine Man
Lucas Hobbs Takachsin Glelendam Leader with Opinion
Tanner Maerz Chans Klamachpin Tall Elder Brother Who is Quiet
Robert Paxton Nchesi Yukwe Hot and Now
Harrison Skidmore Tachen Sisilija Little Buffalo
Josh Stevens Lippoe Weachsowagan Resourceful World of Knowledge
Parker Stewart Kschamehhellan Takachsin Fast Runner Leader
2018 Emmett Edwards Guttasch Guthattachgat Gunammochk Six String Otter
Robert Hurin Nulhàntës nimàt ahpikwe ahpikwète Lazy Brother who plays Piano
Julian Hester Memexsite Opalanie Nchutia Barefoot Eagle and Friend
Ryan Edrington Glakelendam Achgeketum Shaxakwtis Exuberant Teaching Frog
Will Edwards Achgeketum Aschowin A teacher to swim
Ed Martin Wulistammoewagan Topalowilenno Faithful Warrior
Janet Mintz Maxkwtet Little Bear
Lindsey Murphy Danalasgisgv Adanvdo Dances with Spirit
2017 Jacob Perkins Ehlawei Julvhwisdanehi Quiet Worker
Andrew Chockley Tgauchsin Awessis Auwen Allogagan Friendly Beast Who Serves
Samuel Greer Nuxwiti ahku tëmakwei alukwèpi Nephew of Man That Wears Fur Hat
David Gardiner Nchenel A military general
Reade Allen Jiyu Dihlawitdisgi Alii Pilot of Friendship
Ron Carter Didatvgododi Udolvisdi Gvnigalisdi Communicates with Radiant Energy
Sean Alewine Nimat hempsap pilhempes Brother who Dresses Cleanly
Wes Brown Diguwvlodisgi Agwayohiha Adawelagisgv Charges with a Spark
David Garrett Xinkwitakòn Pòkhilus Nimat Helpful and Loud Friend
Barry Loy Atsilvquodi Anvdadisdo Honoring a Memory
Hunter Andrews Witscheman Kuwewanik Helpful Squirrel
Brian Andrews Tgauchsin Achgiguwen Sachgachtoon Friendly Noisy one That Cooks
Benjamin Skidmore Wichentameweokan winkalit pechewale Helpful Friend with Heavy Foot
Cameron Jacke Sacgagunummen Nimat To Lead my Brother
Jeff Willett Nulankumukw Elahtuniket Friendly Scout
Brent Owens Wulinamen Gentgeen Likes to Dance
Micheal Watts Pakuwe Welike Kekuna Make nice things
Jacob Watts Kekchekwiqok Mikwenak Twisting Feathers
Shep Hester Xansa Winkalit Elder Brother Friend
2016 Luke Riggins Gischitehen Determined one
Tom Triplett Takachsin Wendamen Warrior Who Likes to Fish
Connor Steele  Kùmhòkw Waletittin Kwènishkwënayas Loud Advising Mountain Lion
Zach Matzinger Kichkinet Weuchsowagan Cheli Guide Who Knows Much
Isaiah Facemire Mawenemen hempteta wak kschikan Collects Patches and Knives
Jerad Heartsoe Mantowagan Spiritual One
Michael Russell Wuliechsin Speaks Well
Jared Stevens Hattau Ponumen Macheu Pankuk He Has Dropped Many Pancakes
Josh Malloy Metsc n Tatamse One Who Disappears Often
Jimmy Kniss Sehe Lilchpin Mehëmikëmòsit Quiet Diligent Worker
Dale Price Tahepanon Kwalow Nahsohanka Big Friend Who Cooks
Tommy Riggins Takachsin Leader
Scott Hartsoe Tachpachiwi Humble One
Frank Maxwell  Wulhallan Schachachgagecchen Keeps us on a Straight Path
Whitney Rogers Wewoatamowino Wise Man
Sandra Ritter Wèkahèsin Tahkox Mother Turtle
2015 Ernest Caviness Tschitqui Machque Nutiken Silent Bear Standing Watch
William Caviness Pemapuchk Lilchpin Witahemui Steady rock willing to serve
Blake Ferree Xanikw Squirrel
Craig Hendrix Welankunsu Wehikhes Friendly Carpenter
Wayne Isley Auwen Wikheu Epigachink He who builds foundations
Brian Lasley Woapalanne Wetochemuxit Tekene Eagle Father of the Woods
Brandon Myers Tsalagi Dakanogidv Asgaya Cherokee Music Man
Easton Rains Kshiheleinakwsu He looks like he can go fast
2014 Joey Boyd Welamalsuhalewes One Who Makes People Feel Well
Brandon Grose Allogagan Machelgik Achkindiken Servant With Much To Read
Lanning Honeycutt Ajandamalquot Tindeuchen One Who Desires To Make Fire
Colin Lemon Nimat Petaschowen Equiwi Mbi Brother That Swims Under Water
Benjamin Triplett Amangi Chans Big Elder Brother
Jeff Triplett Majawiechton To Do Orderly And Properly
Wilson Triplett Wulantowagan Gischachsummen Has Good Spirit and Enlightens Others
2013  Preston Aldridge  Awianida Kanati  Young Deer Hunter
Gregory Barber Tindey Wil Achwon Kichindin Fiery Head Strong Guide
Alan Brown, Jr. Achewon Elangomat Strong Friend
Mike Dornbush Welatenamu The Nikanixink Happy Hearted Leader
James Downs, Sr. Allohak Strong Powerful
Tony Evans Ilau Salachgihillan Achgook Big Man Frightened Of Small Snake
Kenneth Price, Jr Awullsittamuwi Obedient One
Walter Stowe Nutlvquodna Yonv Humble Bear
 Sierra Webb  Mehittachpin Witschindin  Born Helper
 Stephen Williams  Gochpiwi  From The Water
2012  Seth Allred  Maschapi Lenno  Bead Man
Adam Bigelow Guneu Milach Pwiiundhikeii Meteu Long Haired Witnessing Medicine Man
Allen Brown Schachachachgapewin Nits Just Upright Friend
Todd Callahan Pethakwonn Alalechen Achgeketum Thunderous Snoring Teacher
Chris Concannon Allouchsit Nennachgallit Nutkiet Strong Mumbling Guard
Ben Dawkins Bischuwi Elauwit Nhakechsin Trusted Wilderness Hunter
 Daniel Day  Gunaqot Klampeechen  Tall Still Water
 Eugene Quillen  Willingly Amochol  Travels With Pleasure In Canoe
 Zach Warner  Amendchewan Awelemukunees  Stubborn Young Back
2011 Grayson Jones Wipunxit Lakusin Gray Climber
Andrew Gannon Wulatenamuwi Aptonen Bambil Happy Talking Book
Justin Erickson Acheowalogen Sakima Hard Working Leader
Chris Kuczkowski Ilau Landawen Wachtschu War Chief Who Runs Over Mountains
Cole Lugar TopalowilennoTindeuchen Warrior Who Makes Fire
Rusty Phipps Mejauchsu Metschi Witahemen One Ready to Assist Someone
Chris Wall Nieskeu Muschgingus Dirty Rabbit
Jerry McGuire Tsunalugi Gotluhisodi Asgaya Smokesignal Repairman
Brantley Cocklereece Kichkinet Tëme Guiding Wolf
Mike Brumble Lilchpin Najundam Is Willing to Carry a Load
2010 Austin Brandon Allowat Wil Awelemukeness Strong Headed Young Buck
Anderson Burgess Nag'antame Sakima Wewoatamoewapn Devoted Chief with Vision
Zach Wall Achewen Wil Achgeketum Bushy Head Teacher
Chip Elliott Chesimus Sachgagunummen Nechasin Younger Brother with Leads with Care
Matthew Stevens Elangmellan Aspenumnan Friend Who Lifts Others
Jeff Kleisner Wingan Kschamehhellan Machque Caramel Running Bear
Rick Williams Apendamen Anatschiton Tsholens He Who Enjoys Taking Care of Birds
Scott Spillman Kikehuwet Physician
David Aldridge Nimat Auwen Miaiinacheii Brother Who Chops Much Wood
George Hodgin Wulatenamuwi Achgeketum Pasachtaje Happy Teacher Who Passes Wind
2009 Paul Borowicz Tindey Unk Wachtschu Fire on the Mountain
Christopher Molnar Tangetto Wapsu Woapalanne Lowaneu Small White Eagle from the North
John Kirby Wewin nihillisohen Long Winded Deliverer
Charles Corn (Chaz) Chitkuwi mikemossit Quite Worker
Gwyn Brandon Awsu mpul Raging Bull
Ron Jones Ila Sakima Crusader in Chief
Rick Morgan Achpamsin Najundam Melichgawan Hiker Carrying a Pillow
Mike Williams Lauchshaen tetpasu wimachtendienk Happy Shy Brother
Marty Key
Dustin Cocklereece Pemihele opalani Soaring Eagle
2008 Chris Bridgers Wemi Awenik Winkalit Friend of Everyone
Josh Dooley Watun Lakexen He Who Knows the Way of the Road
Tyler Faucette Amendchewagan Acheowalogen Stubborn Hard Worker
Tom Felder Wuski Wundsummen Low New Cook from the North
Greyson Hale Kwenalhukwe Witschindir Long-haired Helpful One
Cody Harker Gunaqkot Meechgalanne Wolannia Longest Feather of the Hawk's Tail
Matt Krasula Xkana Bones
Jim Krasula Wewsewakan Pemtunhet News Speaker
Matt Milloway Wingoluchsik Machque Cheerful Bear
Chris Stevens Tulpe Auwen Sinhunasu Wachtschu Sea Turtle Who Climbs Mountains
John Thompson Amangi Equiqi Mbi Ttilpe Big Underwater Turtle
2007 Cindy Stevens Skattek Kotschemunk Lenno Forceful One Who Is Certain
Webb Athay Lenno Aptonen Litchewagen Man who Speaks His Opinion
Matthew Moricle Auchsu Achewen Wil Klamhattenamin Wild Bushy Head with Calm Mind
Jacob Holder Schawanewunk pedhakquon Southern Thunder
Dan Moore Skattek Kotschemunk Lenno Zealous out of Doorsman
Bobby Mabe Attaihaschi Nasisgauwan Tschepsit Never Met A Stranger
Ryan Neely, III Gihim Nimat Tpittawe Encouraging Brother To All
Caleb Smith Tsalagi Kanikwsa Cherokee Mouse
2006 Branson Brown Gigitowalan Pachgandikan Tgauwitti Strikes His Hammer Softly
  Michael Clifton Klamachpin Wdelinamen Quiet Creative One
  Jeff Gleiser Nimat Tomwikenao Nachihkawa Brother Who Helps Others
  Greyson Gsell Wuskelenape Laphatton Young Mechanic
  Geoff Hurin Schauwessin Mechlit Lennitti Makes Much Haste In A Little While
  Mark Oliver Wowoatammowino Wiwaschin Mechinqui Wise Man Who Carries Great Loads
  Edwin Owens Klamachpin Leke Atenkpatton Quiet Loyal Firefighter
  Larry Parker Achgeketum Missochwen Manitto Teacher Who Hikes With God
Josh Payne Gilkissin Achibis Laughing One Who Gives First Aid
  Randy Shope Machque Chweli Bringer Of Much
  Martin Stamat Tsquall Achgekinket Frog Teacher
  Ben Stanley Nochnutemaliuwet Askiquall Keeper of the Grass
2005 Cameron Barr Schiphasu Pemauchsowaptonamik Spreads the Word
  Andrew Craven Palippawe Buck
  Josh Fennimore Gumaxit Sapiwagan Wunacak Tall one with lightning arm
Willard Hinkle Moschakantepu Netopalis Bald headed Warrior
  Cyndy Pierce Ochquen Aptonen Achwon Woman who speaks with force
  Daniel Shope Alsqi?a Aqaluqa Dances like swirling wind
  Grant Smith Achewiechev Strong in spirit
  Jonathan Stevens Sipo Sakima River Chief
  Ken Stevens Wulamhittamoewagan Gunammuchk Faithful Otter
  Patti Tucker Gischihan Creates with Hands
2004 Dale Allred Achpequot Wounded One
  Bill Eaton Wulatenamuwi Mechmauwikenk Happy Camper
  Daniel Flack Wulahamittamoewagan Allogalan Faithful in Service
  Frank Fontana Tindey Manitto Fire Maker
  Ann Jones Wingolauchsik Tsquall Cheerful Frog
  Enrico Mitchell Salahgihillan Untschi Sukachgook Frightened of Black Snake
  Brian Somers Guneu Milach Gachpees Long Haired Twin
  Trey Stowe Atsvsdv Soquili Light Horse
  Keith Tucker Witschin-en Ktschillachton Helper who Speaks the Truth
  David Wright Lehellechewagan Wtakolsin Gock Lifesaving Money Maker
2003 David Barksdale Kschamenhhellan Pakantschiechen Fast Mover who Accomplishes Much
  Rusty Coco Nawochgen Wdehin Follows His Heart
  Paul Cole Jr. Glakelendam Wulilsowagan Eager Helpful Generous Brother
  Jim Donecker Ndoniken Wdallowelemuwi Seeks Perfection
  John Fennimore Achgeketum Pilawetschitsch Teacher of Boys
  Shirley Giles Tekeni Hakihakani Tacliquich Gika Woodfield Turtle Mother
  Scott Hagler Sapiwagan Sagachgutteje Lightning from the Mountain Top
  John Hamlett Ahoaltowaganit Kotschemank He who Loves Outdoor Adventures
  Gary McIntyre Nuwingi Tschitanissohen Willing One Who Strengthens
  John Noor Chesimus Nochnutemaliuwet His Brother’s Keeper
  Joey Petrack Leke Loyal One
  Dan Popik Woakus Silver Fox
  Daniel Somers Tschetschpi Wikiinak Gachpee Unlike My Twin
  Don Stowe Jr. Sachgachtoon Winxu Cobbler
  Andrew Tucker Advnvisdiha One Who Plans
  Burma Wilkins Kikechum Tipasigawan Mother Hen
2002 Danny Carter Achgelinquoam Hokunkli One Who Looks Upward
  Zachary Conaway Wingolauchsik Achowalogen Cheerful Laborer
  Ryan Elliott Lachsoheen Achgameu Happy Wide One
  Rob Kennerly Wunita Lilchpin Wikhetschik Able Willing Builder
  Michael Phillips Tekaliwontowit Achgeketum Patient Teacher
  Tim Phillips Gischeleman Majawat Creative One
  David Pugh Dachiquoagan Memhallmund Sisilij Patch trading Buffalo
  Chris Williams Nitsch Nipen Mechmauwikenk Child of Summer Camp
2001 Rusty Hampton Temagehikan Wiwaschin Hose Dragger
  Lee Hubbard Gilkissin Wingoaluchsik Witahemui Laughing One in Cheerful Service
  Jerry Marsh Ganschelechsin One Who Cries Aloud
  Thomas Parker Allogagan Ju He Who Serves Well
  Chris Phillips Newei Takchsin Persistent Leader
  Hendal Price Wetochwink Gechpilgussowagan Father of a Pine Knot
  Zan Rothrock Langundowi Achowalogen Peaceful Worker
  Jim Smith Mamukowagan Unk Wikathoos Cooks Perdition in a Dutch Oven
  Jay Trivette Woloh Lenno Cave man
  Pam Wilson Gishihan Witauclisall Awullsu One Who Makes her Boys Look Good
2000 Brandon Ellis Wulamallessin Happy
  Chris Erickson Achtuchwiecheken Amoe Furry Bee
  Jason Hardy Klamachpin Allogeiwagan Quiet Worker
  Smith Hardy Neka Witaheman Sachcactoon He Who Helps Cook
  Chuck Hill Tuney Gokhos Wikhetsehik Bearded Owl Architect
  Fred Mackie Neka Wewingtonheet Chewi He Who Talks A Lot
1999 Barry Allred Nihillaswagon One Who Delivers
  Ralph Ball Lippoe Macheu Gokhos Round Wise Owl
  John Garwood Najundam Chans Wichschachaunwan He who Carries his Brothers Burdens
  Ben Griffin Machque Mikemossowagan Tschitqui Bear Who Works Silently
  David Higgins Wingi Allogagan Najundam Kschikan Willing Servant who Carries Knife
  Jared Kirby Metschitschank Mos Pilawetschitsch Spirited Cowboy
  Michael Long Wdallowelemuwi Exuberant One
  Chris Mullen Gock Money Maker
  Jason Roberson Atenkpatton He who Queches Fire
  Johnny Somers Achpamsin Kschiechi Ajanhissowagan He who Walks to Clear Mind
  Bert Wagner Lippoe Achgeketum Pakenum Hokeyall Wise Teacher who is Shadow of Self
  Michael Walser Sachgagunummen He Who Leads by Example
1998 Steve Dale Lilchpin Pocheniken Achqeketum Willing Drum Teacher
  Curtis Giles Guttgennemen He Who Gives Back
  Daniel Glaze Walelenclamwi Wewoatamowino Jolly Wise Man
  Robert Staley Sapiwagan Lightning
1997 Do Barlow Wishacheu Slick
  Jeremy Floyd Nutschi The First
  Sue Hampton Genachgiton Caretaker
  Ron Lindler Atta Waninuwin Nischen Never Asked Him Twice
  Stephen McNees Witegauwan Follower
  Brandon Price Kuwe Gechpilgussowagan Pine Knot
  Ken Shahbaz Gishenaxin Kotsc Hemunk Prepared Outdoors Man
  Chris Slaughter Wulelensin Gettemagelensit Proud Humble One
  Kevin Stainback Elangomellan Friend
  Chris Woody Klamachpin Wulalowagon Quiet Worker
1996 Chris Arrington Gettemageleman Pemsit Helpful Hiker
  Dan Foster Tschitqi Sakimer Quiet Leader
  Chris Fulcher Udanti Wadulaisi Yoni Gentle Honey Bear
  John Isley Willamhittanoewagan Faithful
  Matt Roberson Mikindamen Nigani Wawinuwen
  Julian Smith Landawen Pemapuchk Rock Climber
  George Waldrep Ugetsaga Ugodi Yadaha’I He Who Smiles a lot Sometimes
1995 Carl Billings Gettemagelensit Humble One
  Perry Dixon Takindamen Wimachtendienk He Who Counts His Brothers
  Jason Knight Wundamen Undach To Show Somebody the Way
  John Pannell Papabin Achipiquon Flute Player
  Jeremiah Phillips Utana Ilasihdi Kanunu Big-Footed Bullfrog
  Henry Pollock Pichpemmetonhet Preacher
  Jonathan Slaughter Tgauchsuwi Meek One
  Dale Stainback Gatatam Mikemossowagan Willing Teacher